The new RZ / G1C microprocessor is Renesas’ latest addition to its highperformance RZ / …
Embedded Computing
eCOUNT embeddedEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsProducers
eCOUNT embedded presents new high-performance 4K UHD flatpanel controllers
by donpedroeCOUNT embedded connects monitors, displays and control panels to the cloud
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsKontronProducers
Easy entry into Time Sensitive Networking: Kontron showcases TSN starterkit at embedded world 2018
by donpedroKBox C-102-2 industrial computer platform with integrated TSN networking card
Displays/OptoEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsLattice SemiconductorProducersProducts
Fujitsu Chooses Lattice’s SiBEAM Snap Wireless Connector Technology to Simplify USB Connections in Next-Generation Tablet PC
by donpedroLattice’s SB6212 and SB6213 USB3 Devices Improve Ease of Use and Reliability of Connecting the …
Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH has produced a comprehensive white paper on security aspects that will …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsMaxim IntegratedProducers
Maxim Collaborates with NVIDIA on Autonomous Driving and Safety Applications
by donpedroMaxim’s next-generation 6Gbps GMSL SerDes technology supports DRIVE Pegasus, the industry’s first Level 5 platform …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsProducersTexas Instruments
TI revolutionizes automotive headlight systems with new high-resolution DLP® technology
by donpedroSophisticated new adaptive driving beam headlight technology enables automakers and Tier-1 suppliers to enhance driver …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
BYTON electric intelligent SUV makes global debut at CES
by donpedroNext Generation Smart Device to redefine mobility experience in the coming era of autonomous driving
Visit us at Las Vegas CES 2018 – Booth 64716. The most sophisticated and powerful …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
eSync automotive OTA for feature upgrades and deep reaching predictive analytics showcased at CES 2018
by donpedroExcelfore and HELLA will jointly demonstrate how bi-directional Over-the-Air (OTA) pipeline can resolve in-vehicle problems …