The technology group S&T AG ( has successfully completed Q1 of 2021. Expectations in terms …
Embedded Computing
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsFORTEC IntegratedProducers
Robust and Powerful: BoxPC Pro NPA-1904 from Distec
by donpedroCost-effective Embedded Box PC Offers Unique Docking Connector for Use in Industrial, Medical and Digital …
Development boardsEmbedded ComputingEmbedded softwareEmbedded SystemsMicrochip TechnologyProducersProductsSegger
Microchip licenses SEGGER’s emFloat floating-point library for the XC32 V4.0 compiler toolchain
by donpedroSEGGER Microcontroller announces that Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of smart, connected and secure …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsICP DeutschlandProducersSoC / SiP / SoM / SBC
Fanless embedded PC with Tiger Lake SoC
by donpedroBehind the designation MP1-11TGS is the first variant of an embedded PC series intended for …
Development boardsEmbedded ComputingEmbedded softwareEmbedded SystemsProducersProductsSegger
SEGGER J-Link now supports CMSIS-DAP: One Probe Fits All
by donpedroSEGGER’s latest J-Link software makes it possible to turn J-Link into a high-speed CMSIS-DAP debug …
ARIES EmbeddedEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsProducersSoC / SiP / SoM / SBC
TOPIC Embedded Systems Welcomes ARIES Embedded as Official Distributor for TOPIC Products in DACH
by donpedroJoining forces in technology, expertise and know-how to make the world a little better, healthier …
Development boardsEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsIoTIoT applicationsNXPProducers
Mouser Electronics Now Stocking NXP i.MX 8M Plus Eval Kit with Machine Learning and Voice and Vision Capabilities
by donpedroMouser Electronics, Inc., the authorised global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, is …
Cypress SemiconductorEmbedded ComputingEmbedded softwareEmbedded SystemsIoTIoT applicationsProducersProductsSegger
Cypress Extends Licensing of SEGGER’s Embedded File System emFile to Include PSoC 6
by donpedroAdditional Modules Enable Development of Even More Secure Embedded Applications
Artificial intelligenceCincozeEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsIoTIoT applicationsProducers
Cincoze’s Flagship High-Performance Industrial-Grade GPU Computer — Riding the Wave of AIoT
by donpedroRapid evolution in AI technology is infusing IoT devices with new capabilities, leading to the …
CybersecurityEmbedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsImperasIoTProducers
Imperas Donates Latest RV32/64K Crypto (scalar) Architectural Validation Test Suites to the RISC-V Verification Ecosystem
by donpedroImperas developed test suites released as open source under the Apache 2.0 license