Authorized Distributor Mouser Electronics Offers Wide Range of MEAN WELL Power Solutions

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is an authorized global distributor of solutions from MEAN WELL, a leading global standard power supply manufacturer. Mouser offers a comprehensive portfolio of MEAN WELL’s power solutions, with over 4,500 parts in stock and over 35,000 parts available to order.

The MEAN WELL LOP-200 and LOP-300 PCB-type power supplies, available from Mouser, feature a low profile, a comprehensive 12 to 54V voltage range, and power of up to 200 or 300 watts, respectively. The LOP-400LOP-500, and LOP-600 offer the same voltage range and power of 600, 750 or 900 watts. These power supplies provide compliance with OVCIII and simultaneous adherence to various safety standards such as 62368-1/60601-1/61558-1/60335-1. These certifications make them suitable for a broad range of applications, including factory automationmedical devices, telecommunications equipment, household devices, and more.

The NGE series are wall-mounted interchangeable AC adapters with global certifications. These green adapters are available with a fixed US plug, a fixed EU plug, or with interchangeable plugs. The NGE series adapters offer power ratings of 12W, 18W, 30W, 45W, 65W, and 90W and are available with five types of interchangeable AC plugs (European, USA, UK, Australian, and Chinese), making them ideal for travel use. Multiple protections are featured in these adapters, including short circuit, overload, and overvoltage, and all these adapters are approved for ITE, medical, household, and industrial appliance safety regulations.

DDRH-120 and DDRH-240 DIN-rail DC/DC converters offer superior EMC performance, high altitude 5000M operation, and compliance with the IEC/EN 62109-1 PV safety standard. Both converters come with complete protection, including undervoltage and reverse polarity (no damage) for the DC input, as well as short circuit, overload, overvoltage, and overtemperature for the output. These DC-DC converters are suitable for photovoltaic power generation, energy storage, charging stations, industrial control systems, and other applications with high- and low-voltage DC conversion requirements.

The MEAN WELL XLN and XLC series LED power supplies, designed for general indoor lighting and commercial luminaires, feature a rugged plastic housing. These LED power supplies are available in 25W, 40W, and 60W power ratings. The XLN LED power supplies include an independent wiring output design, fully encapsulated to meet IP67 waterproof function. The output and dimming circuits are isolated and comply with double-isolation and safety voltage (SELV) design to ensure user safety. The entire series has complete international certification and full-range voltage input (UIL8750 class 2/class P).

Mouser Electronics has been an authorized distributor of MEAN WELL power solutions since 2007. Mouser received the US Distributor of the Year Award from MEAN WELL for 2023 and a Sustainability Award from the MEAN WELL Sustainable Development Group for 2022.

To learn more about MEAN WELL products available from Mouser, visit

Mouser Electronics

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