Atego, the leading independent supplier of industrial-grade, collaborative development tools for engineering complex, mission- and safety-critical architectures, systems, software and hardware, has announced that Aonix ObjectAda Real-Time® for Windows targeting Intel x86 architectures running Wind River’s VxWorks RTOS has been selected for the prestigious Editor’s Choice award for the January/February edition of Military Embedded Systems.

The award of Editor’s Choice from Military Embedded Systems follows closely on the heels of the formation of Atego, a new and strong independent force in the mission- and safety-critical systems and software development tools market. Headquartered in San Diego CA, USA and Cheltenham, UK, Atego was created from the recent merger between Artisan Software Tools and Aonix. Artisan Software Tools distinguished itself as the world’s largest independent supplier of industrial-grade, collaborative modeling tools for complex, mission and safety-critical systems and software and Aonix as a leading supplier of critical systems development tools, virtual machines and services for real-time/embedded Java and Ada solutions.