Laird Technologies Publishes White Paper on RF Range

by donpedro

Laird Technologies, Inc. announced the publication of a white paper discussing radio frequency (RF) range, or the distance at which a wireless connection can operate. The white paper, “Understanding Range for RF Devices,” is an excellent tool for device makers that are embedding wireless radios.
After explaining how to compute RF range, the paper details factors that affect range, such as antenna type, antenna height, RF frequency, and environmental factors such as geography and weather conditions. Antenna selection must take required bandwidth and RF frequency into account. Proper antenna height ensures line-of-sight and removes possible interferers such as trees and buildings. The paper recommends conducting range tests several times a year to account for changes in factors such as tree foliage.
Embedded wireless solutions from Laird Technologies include Summit Wi-Fi radio modules, a full line of Bluetooth® radio modules and innovative RAMP radio modules. These unique product solutions are ideal for applications in the automotive, industrial, medical, IT/computing, and M2M communications industries.

Laird Technologies, Inc.

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