Würth Elektronik has published its new products on 188 pages with the Electronic Components 2020 catalog. The catalog can be ordered in printed form, downloaded as a PDF or opened in the iOS Catalog app. It contains new products from the areas of passive components, optoelectronics and power modules.
Under the title “Focus Products”, the Electronic Components 2020 catalog precisely explains innovative component developments in terms of their design, properties and applications. Furthermore, “Relaunches” has been added to the catalog: These are products that have been improved, e.g., through AECQ qualification or their electrical and mechanical properties. The products are supplemented with further information on product selection, reference designs and services. All products in the catalog are available from stock without a minimum order quantity.
Displays/OptoElectronics ComponentsPassive componentsPower devicesPower modulesProducersProductsWürth Elektronik
New Electronic Components in the Portfolio
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