Silicon Labs’ EFR32xG22E Wireless Gecko SoCs, Now at Mouser, Streamline Energy Harvesting for Battery-Free IoT Devices

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components™, is now stocking the EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko system-on-chip (SoC) series from Silicon Labs. The EFR32xG22E is Silicon Lab’s most energy-efficient wireless SoC to date, designed to operate in the ultra-low-power envelope required for battery-free energy harvesting. The Silicon Labs EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko SoCs allow users to develop Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE), 802.15.4-based or proprietary 2.4GHz wireless devices for IoT applications that harvest energy from external sources.

The Silicon Labs EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko SoC family, now available at Mouser, consists of three variants: the EFR32BG22E, the EFR32MG22E, and the EFR32FG22E. Each variant features an integrated Arm® Cortex® M4 MCU and a high-performance 2.4GHz radio. The EFR32xG22 SoCs are ideal for devices that require immediate activation and efficient power management, featuring EM4 wake-up of 1.83 milliseconds and power consumption of just 16.6 microjoules (µJ). The SoCs also support multiple power sources and power management devices, allowing users to explore new battery technologies such as supercapacitors.

The EFR32BG22E wireless SoC enables Bluetooth 5 networking in IoT devices that demand fast startup, including asset tags and beacons, consumer electronics, and Bluetooth Mesh low-power nodes. The EFR32BG22E also offers a Bluetooth 5 direction-finding feature. The EFR32MG22E SoC is designed for Zigbee® green power and home automation, lighting and building controls, and smart building sensors. The optimized Zigbee SoC includes a 12-channel peripheral reflex system that allows for autonomous interaction among MCU peripherals, reducing latency and power consumption. The EFR32FG22E proprietary wireless 2.4 SoC features RFSense and delivers energy efficiency and increased lifespan for products with limited battery resources. The proprietary wireless 2.4 SoC is a single-die solution for electronic shelf labels, home and building automation, and commercial lighting.

The Silicon Labs EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko SoCs are supported by the xG22 Development Tools: the EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko radio boards and starter kit. The xG22 tools provide developers with everything they need to evaluate the EFR32xG22E wireless Gecko SoCs and build scalable wireless IoT applications.

To learn more about the EFR32BG22E Bluetooth wireless SoC, visit To learn more about the EFR32MG22E Zigbee wireless SoC, visit To learn more about the EFR32FG22E proprietary wireless 2.4 SoC, visit

Mouser Electronics

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