SemiSouth Laboratories, Inc., the leading manufacturer of silicon carbide (SiC) transistor technology for high-power, high-efficiency, harsh-environment power management and conversion applications, is leading the world once more. After first releasing commercial 1200V trench JFETs in 2008 – which are currently being used in volume production by many manufacturers of UPS, hi-rel products, audio systems and solar inverters – today SemiSouth is delivering industry’s first 650 V silicon carbide JFET power transistors. The fast switching speeds, large current handling capability combined with the superior thermal properties of SiC makes these devices ideal candidates for power electronic applications. They employ vertical trench JFET structures, which allow for industry-leading on-resistance per unit area, as much as five to ten times lower than competing technologies.
The 650V/55mΩ SJDA065R055 SiC JFETs – like many SemiSouth devices – feature a positive temperature coefficient for ease of paralleling and extremely fast switching with no “tail” current at 150°C. RDS(on) typical for these new voltage-controlled devices is 0.044Ω, which also exhibit a low gate charge and low intrinsic capacitance. Typical applications for these TO-220-packaged devices are solar inverters, SMPS, PFC circuits, induction heating, UPS and motor drives.
SemiSouth Laboratories