Renesas Electronics RA8M1 Voice Kit, Now at Mouser, Offers End-to-End Voice Solution

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components™, is now stocking the VK-RA8M1 voice kit for RA8M1 from Renesas Electronics. With the VK-RA8M1 voice kit, developers can build systems with a simple voice command interface without extensive coding experience, in-house expertise, or a network connection. The VK-RA8M1 Voice Kit addresses the demand for voice recognition in home automationindustrial automationconsumer electronics, healthcare applications, and more.

The Renesas Electronics VK-RA8M1 voice kit, now available at Mouser, offers a scalable, easy-to-use hardware platform for Voice User Interface (VUI) solutions based on the RA8M1 family of 32-bit microcontrollers. The voice kit supports real-time control and multi-language commands, essential for applications such as smart speakers. Multiple analog and digital microphones ensure highly accurate voice recognition with improved sound capture and reduced noise. The VK-RA8M1 voice kit can perform all voice recognition processes offline, mitigating engineers’ concerns about privacy and latency associated with using the cloud.

The VK-RA8M1 voice kit includes cloud-based Natural Language Understanding (NLU) development tools from Renesas-ready ecosystem partner Cyberon. The powerful RA8M1 MCU allows users to build an enhanced working solution to recognize and execute voice commands, while the NLU model supports the development of complete end-to-end AI and machine-learning voice solutions. The kit supports over 44 languages and includes a voice anti-spoofing application example.

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