Now at Mouser: u-blox NORA-W30 Multiprotocol Modules for Efficient Wireless Connectivity

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now stocking the NORA-W30 multiprotocol modules from u-blox. The NORA-W30 modules support Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® connectivity in a single, compact unit. The NORA-W30 devices support a range of applications, including industrial automation, metering and utilities, healthcaresmart homes, and electrical vehicle charging.

The u-blox NORA-W30 multiprotocol modules, now available at Mouser, support Wi-Fi 4 on both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. The modules can function as a Wi-Fi station connecting to a remote access point or act as an access point. The NORA-W30 modules are Bluetooth Low Energy-qualified and can assume central or peripheral roles or both simultaneously. The modules feature a dual-core microcontroller with an Arm® Cortex®-M33 compatible processor for main applications and an Arm Cortex-M23 compatible processor for low-power operations. The NORA-W30 modules offer a robust collection of hardware security features, including secure boot, encrypted flash, debug port protection, a crypto acceleration engine, and a trusted execution environment with Arm TrustZone®. Wireless communication can be secured with WPA2/WPA3 authentication, TLS 1.2/1.3 encryption, Bluetooth LE secure connection pairing, and HTTPS.

The NORA-W30 multiprotocol modules are offered in two variants. NORA-W306 comes with an internal PCB antenna, while NORA-W301 has a module pin to connect to an external antenna of choice. The internal PCB antenna provides a robust, low-profile solution with high performance and an extensive range. The NORA-W30 series is globally certified for use with the internal antenna or a range of external antennas. This reduces time, cost, and effort for customers who are integrating Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE into their designs.

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Mouser Electronics

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