New onsemi Image Sensors, Available from Mouser Electronics, Enable Machine Vision, VR/AR, Biometrics, and More

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., is a global authorized distributor of products from onsemi, a leading manufacturer of semiconductor-based solutions driving energy-efficient innovations. With over 17,000 onsemi products available to order, Mouser offers an ever-expanding selection of the manufacturer’s newest semiconductor solutions. onsemi offers a broad portfolio of industry-leading image sensors that satisfy the requirements of multiple applications, from wearables and consumer electronics to demanding industrial and automotive applications. In the first quarter of 2024, onsemi has released three new, innovative image sensors, all of which are available from Mouser.

The onsemi AR2020 is a 1/1.8-inch back-side illuminated (BSI) stacked CMOS digital image sensor with a 5120 × 3840 active-pixel array. This advanced sensor captures images in either linear or enhanced Dynamic Range (eDR) modes with a rolling shutter readout. The features of the AR2020 provide a powerful data-capturing device at the edge that can be programmed through several options to deliver optimal bandwidth at very low power. This image sensor is ideal for video conferencing, biometrics, and machine vision applications.

The AR0830 is a 1/2.9−inch BSI stacked CMOS digital image sensor with a 3840 × 2160 active-pixel array. Also featuring linear and eDR modes and rolling shutter readout, this device delivers excellent performance in low light and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. The AR0830 image sensor features multiple functional modes, including global reset release (GRR), trigger, context switching, and wake-on motion (WOM). This image sensor is targeted at industrial machine vision, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), smart access and retail analytics.

The AR0234CS CMOS digital image sensor offers a 1920 x 1200 active-pixel array in a 1/2.6-inch optical format. This sensor incorporates a new innovative global shutter pixel design optimized for accurate and fast capture of moving scenes at 120 frames per second, full resolution. The AR0234CS produces extraordinarily clear, sharp digital pictures with an industry-leading global shutter efficiency, and its ability to capture both continuous video and single frames makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of applications, including scanning, autonomous mobility, surveillance and industrial quality control.

• To learn more about the AR2020 sensor, visit
• To learn more about the AR0830 sensor, visit
• To learn more about the AR0234CS sensor, visit

Mouser Electronics

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