New at Mouser: ROHM TLR377GYZ CMOS Op Amp Optimized for Smartphones and Ultra-Compact IoT Devices

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now stocking the miniaturized TLR377GYZ CMOS operational amplifier (op amp) from ROHM Semiconductor. The ultra-small 0.88 mm x 0.58 mm device is optimized for amplifying signals from sensors such as temperature, pressure and flow rate, used in smartphones, small Internet of Things (IoT) devices and similar applications.

The TLR377GYZ op amp, available from Mouser, balances miniaturization with high accuracy by leveraging ROHM’s proprietary circuit design, process and packaging technologies. The device offers a maximum offset voltage as low as 1 mV and an input equivalent noise voltage density as low as 12nV/√Hz. Furthermore, the TLR377GYZ op amp adopts a WLCSP (wafer-level chip scale package) with a ball pitch of just 0.3 mm utilizing original packaging technology. This package design reduces size by approximately 69% compared to conventional products and 46% over existing compact products.

The TLR377GYZ also features a built-in shutdown function, which limits the device’s operation to sensing-only periods. This feature significantly reduces standby current to a maximum of 1.5 µA.

The TLR377GYZ op amp is supported by the TLR377GYZ-EVK-001 evaluation board. The TLR377GYZ-EVK-001 provides a pre-mounted TLR377GYZ Op Amp mounted on a 2.4 mm x 2.4 mm x 1.0 mm PCB. This conversion board can replace SSOP6 packages, enabling evaluation in existing designs.

To learn more about the TLR377GYZ op amp, visit

Mouser Electronics

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