New at Mouser: Microchip Technology PolarFire SoC Discovery Kit for IoT and Edge Communication Applications

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now stocking the PolarFire SoC Discovery Kit from Microchip Technology. The PolarFire SoC Discovery Kit is optimized for rapid development of embedded systems for industrial automation, edge communications, Internet of Things (IoT), automotive, smart vision, and many other compute-intensive applications.

The Microchip Technology PolarFire SoC Discovery Kit, available from Mouser, is based on the PolarFire MPFS095T system-on-chip (SoC) FPGA, featuring an embedded quad 64-bit RISC-V core complex and 95,000 high-performance logic elements, for powerful computing performance with best-in-class power efficiency and security.

The PolarFire board includes 1 GB of DDR4 memory, a microSD card slot, a Gigabit Ethernet port, and additional interfaces with hardware expansion options, including headers for MikroElektronika Click Boards™, 40-pin Raspberry Pi HATs and MIPI® video, all controllable via I2C and SPI protocols for rapid prototyping.

The Discovery kit also includes an onboard FlashPro5 programmer and a preloaded DSPF FIR filter to program, debug and showcase the embedded math block capabilities of the PolarFire FPGA through the USB-to-JTAG channel. Libero® SoC design software can be downloaded from Microchip’s website, where new users can obtain a free Silver license to get started.

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Mouser Electronics

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