Mouser Talks Robots with Team HUGE Robotics Team

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, today debuted its new video interview featuring Team HUGE and their award-winning robot, videotaped at the FIRST® Championships in Houston earlier this year.

The Mouser-sponsored Team HUGE competes annually in the BattleBots competition, airing on the Discovery Channel in 150 countries. Competitors design and operate remote-controlled armed and armored machines designed to fight in a combat elimination tournament. Based in South Windsor, Conn., Team HUGE includes several members led by team leader Jonathan Schultz, who construct their battle-ready 250-pound robot. Team members showcased their robot in a special appearance with Mouser at the 2024  FIRST® Championships. To watch the exclusive video interview with Schultz, click here.

“Team HUGE is solving some real engineering challenges, and Mouser is proud to be part of their successful journey. Robotics has so many real-world applications and benefits,” said Kevin Hess, Mouser’s Senior Vice President of Marketing. “The technology is becoming more prevalent, and robot developers will change the way humans will work with robots in the future.”

Mouser has a long history of supporting robotics programs as part of its commitment to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. For over ten years, the company has been a major sponsor of the FIRST Robotics Competition, the international event in which high school students design, build and compete with robots that perform assigned tasks. Team HUGE displayed their innovative combat robot at Mouser’s booth at the FIRST Innovation Faire to show how engineering can be fun. To watch the video interview with Team HUGE, visit

Mouser Electronics

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