Mouser Now Shipping Texas Instruments DLP2021-Q1 DLP Digital Micromirror Device for Automotive and EV Applications

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now stocking the new DLP2021-Q1 automotive 0.2″ DLP® digital micromirror device (DMD) from Texas Instruments. The DLP2021-Q1 is designed for automotive exterior light control and display applications that include ground projection in full color with animated and dynamic content for automotive and EV applications.

The TI DLP2021-Q1 DLP DMD, available from Mouser, is designed for automotive exterior light control and display applications with full color and animated dynamic content. These tiny devices can be placed in many locations throughout the car, including inside the side mirror, door panel, taillight, front grill and more to facilitate vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communication such as back-up, door-open, and other vehicle communication warning systems and vehicle personalization options. Due to the device’s small form factor and low-power operation, projectors with the DLP2021-Q1 chipset can support many projection applications.

The DLP2021-Q1 chipset can be coupled with LEDs or lasers to create highly saturated colors with over 125 percent of the National Television System Committee (NTSC) color gamut. It can be used with either RGB or white illumination sources. A DLP2021-Q1 field-programmable gate array (FPGA) configuration is provided and is used to drive the DLP2021-Q1 automotive DMD. This controller architecture is designed for small form factor projectors and does not require a video bus or graphics processing unit (GPU) for content creation. Video and image content is stored on local flash and can be played at power-up or on command.

The DLP2021-Q1 is supported by the DLP2021LEWQ1EVM evaluation module, also available from Mouser. The DLP2021LEWQ1EVM brings together a set of components, including the DLP2021-Q1 DMD, the FPGA-based DMD controller, and the TPS65100 PMIC, to provide an efficient system for evaluation of dynamic ground projection technology.

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Mouser Electronics

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