Mouser Now Shipping NXP Semiconductors i.MX 8ULP Crossover Applications Processors

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now stocking the new i.MX 8ULP crossover applications processors from NXP Semiconductors. The i.MX 8ULP brings ultra-low power processing and advanced integrated security with EdgeLock® secure enclave to simplify complex security implementations and deliver exceptional efficiency to IoT edge, medical, wearables, smart home, and a wide range of other applications.

The NXP Semiconductors i.MX 8ULP processors, available from Mouser, are pre-configured with NXP’s Energy Flex architecture, optimizing energy at the chip level for designing energy-efficient edge systems by combining heterogeneous domain computing, design techniques, and process technology along with a dedicated power management subsystem that offers more than twenty power mode combinations to deliver exceptional efficiency across various applications.

The i.MX 8ULP devices feature up to two Arm® Cortex®-A35 processors running at 800MHz, with an Arm Cortex-M33 core, 3D/2D Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and a Cadence® Tensilica® Hifi 4 DSP and Fusion DSP for low-power audio/voice and edge artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) processing.

The MCIMX8ULP-EVK evaluation kits, also available from Mouser, offer a demonstration and development platform for the evaluation of i.MX 8ULP applications processors. The MCIMX8ULP-EVK kits are provided in two variants with either a 15 mm2 or 9.4 mm2 sample option. Each kit includes a carrier board and a compute module, which houses the i.MX 8ULP SoC. The carrier board provides a suite of connectivity options for application development.

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