Electronics in agriculture, forestry and construction machinery in particular are often exposed to very demanding environmental conditions.
THT (Through-Hole Technology)-based electronic assemblies with nickel or brass pins can be used in various applications and environments. This applies in particular to areas with demanding environmental conditions, where the electrical and mechanical properties of the pin materials play a decisive role. As these pins are difficult to wet, they pose a challenge in the soldering process.
‘Components with nickel or brass pins are difficult to solder, where even long wetting times or high temperatures often do not lead to success. Furthermore, the PCB and the components in the immediate area can be damaged. This applies to both wave soldering and reworking,’ explains Markus Geßner, Marketing and Sales Manager at Emil Otto GmbH. Therefore, Emil Otto developed a whole range of products to tackle these challenges.
THT components with nickel and brass pins are frequently used in durable electronic devices, with pins made of brass offering a high mechanical strength. Maximum reliability is required, especially in demanding environmental conditions. ‘High resistance to corrosion and abrasion is particularly important in such application scenarios, as electronic components have to withstand extreme conditions. Nickel is the preferred material due to its protective properties. However, the processing poses several challenges,’ explains Geßner.
As nickel oxide is a very good insulator, nickel is difficult to process. The insulating property acts like a barrier, which makes soldering very difficult. Conventional fluxes often reach their limits here, which is why special fluxes are required. These must not only enable processing, but also protect the nickel surface from oxidation during storage. Emil Otto has therefore developed fluxes that consist of a carboxylic acid complex.
Geßner further explains: ‘To meet the requirements, a flux must have good soldering properties. In addition, it should not affect the wave or selective soldering process. Instead, it must be possible to solder reliably with the specified parameters. Consequently, there are a variety of requirements for a product if it is only intended to support the soldering of a certain type of pin. At the same time, there are aids that are less obvious in their application than their effect would suggest. For example, immersing the pins in solder based on a carboxylic acid complex not only removes the oxide layer, but also protects the pins from further contamination and surface changes. This allows immediate further processing or storage.’
Emil Otto has also developed product solutions for reworking, such as the replacement of components for repair. These reliably extend and expand the product life cycle. For example, the EO-FLUX-Paste (BIO-BASED) FP-BIO-001/2 ‘EO B-Power’. ‘In outdoor applications, assemblies are often exposed to rough, challenging environments over long periods of time. If the electronics in this area fail, they have to be replaced. This sometimes affects complete assemblies, individual components or just the connector of a cable. This is where Emil Otto’s flux pastes can be used. For example, the EO-FLUX paste (BIO-BASED) FP-BIO-001 ‘EO B-Power’ or the EO-FLUX paste (BIO-BASED) FP-BIO-002 ‘EO B-Power’.
These No Clean Flux pastes have been specially developed for high quality electronics production and the repair of PCBs. Both pastes are ‘BIO-BASED’ and formulated with a B-POWER activator complex. The highly effective and unique ‘B-Power’ activator complex is made of specially balanced, natural and highly pure substances. The main components consist of specific waxes and resins that contain neither colophony resins nor synthetic resins. FP-BIO-001 and 002 are characterized by strong soldering process-optimized activity and very good wetting and penetration properties, allowing the pastes to be dispensed extremely economically.
EMIL OTTO Flux- u. Oberflächentechnik GmbH