Farnell is the first European high service distributor to stock the new STMicroelectronic STM32VL discovery Evaluation Board. The STM32 Discovery Kit is a new hardware development platform from STMicroelectronics, a world leader in microcontrollers, which is supported by either free or very-low-cost downloadable development tools from major third-party vendors like Atollic, IAR and Keil.
As an ultra-low-cost and convenient starter platform, the STM32VLDiscovery Kit is particularly suited to the STM32 Value Line microcontrollers. The USB-powered board is straightforward to set up and use by plugging into a PC. It is populated with a 24MHz, 64-pin STM32F100RBT6B Value Line device featuring a 128Kbyte Flash plus multiple timers, analog peripherals, and industry-standard serial interfaces. The included ST-LINK in-circuit debugger allows work to start without further costs. Extension connectors provided on the board enable easy connection to other boards or devices for deeper testing of the microcontroller peripherals. In addition, 15 ready-to-run applications are available at www.st.com/stm32-discovery to help developers evaluate microcontroller features. Through its industry-leading websites featuring tools such as Live Chat, and easily accessible data sheets, Farnell is able to support its electronics design engineering customers with information and ideas to help them select the most appropriate components and devices for their new designs. The company’s element14 online engineering community provides a unique additional resource with compiler links, datasheets and product guides. Further information about the Discovery Kit range can be found at the STMicroelectronics community on element14 (at http://www.element-14.com/community/community/suppliers/st/stm32vl).
Farnell first high-service distributor to stock STMicroelectronics’ new STM32VL discovery Evaluation Board
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