Embedded Studio – GCC, LLVM, IAR and Keil under one roof

by donpedro

PR12_ES_graphic_HRESSEGGER has just released version 3.10 of its cross platform development software “Embedded Studio”. The new version comes with multiple improvements, most notably even higher speed and the ability to build programs using compilers other than the included GCC and Clang/LLVM. These other compilers can be integrated seamlessly into Embedded Studio and the resulting programs can be debugged using the built-in debugger.

The performance of the different compilers can easily be compared and the one generating the best code can be picked for the release build. For most applications, the GCC or LLVM/Clang compilers that come with Embedded Studio are used.

If however, you feel your application requires a commercial compiler for your release build, you do not need to use the same compiler for all the members of your development team. A single license for the commercial compiler is all you need. Substantially reducing your total licensing costs.

Embedded Studio also comes with a project importer supporting IAR and Keil tool chains, making the migration process easy.

For me, Embedded Studio is THE development platform. It is intuitive, powerful and very fast. Now that it allows easy migration from other commercial IDEs like IAR and Keil, there is no reason not to switch. Embedded Studio is clearly the IDE of choice for us”, says Alex Gruener, CTO of SEGGER.

To access more information on the project importer go to: https://www.segger.com/embedded-studio-project-importer.html

Embedded Studio


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