Avago enables unprecedented miniaturization of Motor Encoding Systems

by donpedro

Avago Technologies, a leading supplier of analog interface components for communications, industrial and consumer applications, announced the market’s smallest three-channel reflective encoder. The new AEDR-850x encoders feature built-in interpolation for high-resolution measurement that is ideal for a wide range of applications, including closed-loop stepper motors, miniature motors, printers, copiers, card readers, insulin pumps and other types of industrial, consumer and medical equipment.
A standard reflective encoder module contains two digital output channels for direction sensing, with another module required for indexing purposes. For motion feedback applications requiring high-resolution measurement, an external interpolation device had previously been necessary. The Avago AEDR-850x reflective encoders integrate an LED light source, photodetecting and interpolator circuitry, and the three channels in a single package with a 3.95-mm-by-3.40-mm footprint. With high resolution encoding of 304 lines per inch (12 lines per mm), the compact, highly-integrated modules enable a new level of miniaturization for applications where size and space are primary concerns.

Avago Technologies

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