Nordic and Sisvel to streamline cellular IoT SEP licensing

Efficient and transparent access to end-product licenses from more than 30 patent owners enables massive adoption of cellular IoT devices

by gabi

A new agreement between Nordic Semiconductor and patent pool administrator Sisvel for the licensing of standard essential patents (SEPs) reading on LTE-M and NB-IoT cellular technology has been announced. This agreement gives developers the option to easily obtain access to Sisvel’s pool of LTE-M and NB-IoT radio technology standards licenses.

Specifically, the initiative provides a simple, efficient way for IoT device makers to obtain end-product licenses from more than 30 patent owners holding LTE-M and NB-IoT SEPs, through Nordic as the cellular module supplier.

The agreement addresses the licensing challenges typically faced by cellular developers in areas such as smart health, smart energy, smart cities, and asset tracking.

By offering standardized licenses, the agreement will reduce business uncertainty and will allow companies to focus on developing new, innovative products and services for the IoT market.

“Nordic Semiconductor has always been at the forefront of wireless technology, and we understand the importance of accessible and standardized licensing for the advancement of the IoT industry,” comments the company’s EVP BU Long Range, Oyvind Birkenes. “We believe this solution is a significant step towards a more efficient future for cellular IoT development.” 

“We are thrilled to have a unique licensing program for cellular IoT backed by more than 30 patent owners, and we believe this new agreement with Nordic addresses a critical need in the IoT ecosystem,” says Sisvel CEO Mattia Fogliacco. “Our goal is to create a balanced and transparent licensing environment that supports innovation and growth for all stakeholders.” 

“We have worked hard with Sisvel and the SEP owners in its pool over the last year to broker this agreement, and the IoT market will benefit from greater licensing transparency and predictability,” says Kristian Sæther, Nordic’s Product Director, Cellular IoT. “This new agreement offers efficiency and predictability to our customers. We look forward to seeing our peers and competitors recognize the importance of this work and join the pool solution so that the entire cellular IoT market can operate with more predictability and on a level playing field.” 

About Sisvel:
Sisvel is driven by a belief in the importance of collaboration, ingenuity and efficiency to bridge the needs of patent owners and those who wish to access their technologies. In a complex and constantly evolving marketplace, our guiding principle is to create a level playing field with the development and implementation of flexible, accessible, commercialisation solutions.

Nordic Semiconductor

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