Comparing the models Raspberry Pi

by donpedro

PI_Comp-3First we need to look at the history of Raspberry Pi

Based in the UK, the Raspberry Pi Foundation (registered educational charity number 1129409) aims to accelerate the education and improve the skills of children and adults in computer science, programming and related subjects. By introducing the credit-card sized Raspberry Pi, a low cost, powerful and easily accessible computer capable of running many programming languages including Scratch and Python, the Foundation has brought coding to a whole new generation of hackers, makers and electronics engineers.
Over 8 million Raspberry Pi boards have been sold since the first launch on the 29th February 2012.

So why are they a worldwide phenomenon?
Small in size and big on performance, each Raspberry Pi from the low power Raspberry Pi A+ to the powerful new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B provides a perfect mix of performance, cost and connectivity. At the heart of each board there is a powerful Broadcom SoC capable of running a variety of operating systems and programming languages from NOOBS to Windows 10 IoT.

Why Pi?
• It’s low-cost
• It’s really easy to use
• It’s Linux-based open source, with access to free software and downloads to help you with your project
• There’s a great Pi community out there -— check out DesignSpark, RS’s own design engineer community
• It has great connectivity
• It’s flexible to the user. Want to play games? Stream music and/or video? Do your homework? Create a weather station? Create a home security camera? No limits.


Technical data

In short:

  • The Raspberry Pi A+ have the low specifications and conveniently costs.
  • The Raspberry Pi 2 delivers 6 times the processing capacity of previous models. This second generation Raspberry Pi has an upgraded Broadcom BCM2836 processor, which is a powerful ARM Cortex-A7 based quad-core processor that runs at 900MHz. The board also features an increase in memory capacity to 1Gbyte.
  • The Raspberry Pi 3 is the latest version of the Pi family. Delivering up to 10x the processing performance of the original Raspberry Pi and added connectivity with 802.11 b/g/n Wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.1. The new board is not only great for learning to programme, gaming or hacks but it’s now perfect for IoT projects too.

The diagram to understand much better the difference between Pi Models

For these models you can buy the essential accessories or you can find a lot of projects you can make in an easy way. With one click on you can discover everything you need for Pi models: from cables and cases to cameras and cards.

For example, if you want to make a project for your school you can inspire from our website at the Raspberry Pi Classroom Projects section, where you can find different projects explained in a concrete and understandable way or you can integrate the Pi models in your IoT projects.

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By Mihaela Sârbu


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