First µ-precise Penetration during Thermode Soldering

As Eutect put the first force- and temperature-controlled thermode soldering module into operation at an international headlamp manufacturer in 2005, the measurement of the penetration of the thermode was used exclusively as process monitoring and -control. A lot has happened since then. In 2018, Eutect completed the next further development of the thermode soldering module, which thanks to freely definable parameters, offers new process opportunities.

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The smaller spindle pitch does it!

Handling specialist Afag is expanding its range of proven spindle booms (SA) to include the more powerful modules of the FL series. The new components are significantly stronger than the standard booms from the Afag handling construction kit while retaining the same module geometry. This is made possible by a smaller spindle pitch.

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Greater safety and reliability for sensitive electronics

Modern electronics are used nowadays in a range of industries, which expose them to a wide range of temperatures. Most notably, electronic assemblies in safety-related areas of application, such as medical technology, the automotive industry (autonomous driving) and aerospace technology, must function 100% reliably at all temperature conditions.

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Safe drying process for highly complex flat modules

The vehicle airbag saves lives no matter what the conditions, the front lights ensure a safe journey day and night, the onboard computer and sensors in aircraft provide reliable measurements for flight guidance even at an altitude of 10,000 metres, and a simple traffic light system regulates traffic in any wind and weather. Behind each one of these functions are a myriad of highly complex electronic components and connections.

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