Digi-Key Announces Supplier-Driven KiCad Library
Digi-Key Electronics, a global electronic components distributor, announces the release of a new secondary KiCad…
Digi-Key Electronics, a global electronic components distributor, announces the release of a new secondary KiCad…
In recent years military, intelligence, and government agencies have become aware of a new and…
As Informative as Measurement Results
Vector introduces vVIRTUALtarget – a tool for virtual testing of AUTOSAR ECUs. It enables faster…
GUI-Based Software Tool Offers Automotive System Integrators Flexibility in Evaluating Component and/or System Compliance to ISO26262 Safety Standard
XJTAG, a world leading supplier of JTAG boundary-scan hardware and software solutions, and high-quality technical…
Luxoft Holding, Inc, a global IT service provider, and Daimler AG, the global automotive manufacturer,…
The e-commerce platform www.rutronik24.com has launched a new feature: developers can now choose between different…
Digi-Key Electronics, a global electronic components distributor, announces they have tagged the open source, Digi-Key…
Silicon Labs has released new software options for its Wireless Gecko (http://www.silabs.com/wirelessgecko) portfolio, enabling simultaneous…