LinkSwitch-TN2 High-Voltage Switcher ICs from Power Integrations Now Certified for Automotive Use
High-reliability, space-saving buck/flyback switcher ICs target 400 VDC EV applications
High-reliability, space-saving buck/flyback switcher ICs target 400 VDC EV applications
Because power supplies are a core component within any electronics application, the power industry often has to develop power solutions years before certain applications reach the market. This is a big challenge and to be able to achieve that and to support customers, power designers not only have to work closely with system and equipment manufacturers, but equally and ongoing, perform business trends analysis to define what power solutions will be required in the coming years in the industrial, medical and other industry sectors.
Higher-power TVs, monitors and appliances benefit from 91% efficiency, reduced BOM, elimination of heatsinks, smaller size, lower weight
Compact and robust isolated SiC MOSFET driver incorporates active clamping and <2 µs short-circuit turn-off time
PowiGaN technology permits manufacture of 94% efficient power supplies suitable for regions with frequent brown-outs and line surges
Compact, efficient SID1181KQ gate drivers ensure system safety
Partners with Anker Innovations to drive GaN revolution in mass-market AC-DC power adapters
Up to 110 W output with no heatsinks and smallest footprint to suit smart-lighting and ballast applications
New device family reduces standby power for appliance applications
Advanced GaN technology yields significant increase in power and efficiency