Power Integrations Releases InnoSwitch3-PD Reference Design for Ultra-Compact USB Type C, PD + PPS Adapter
DER-937 leverages highly integrated boost PFC and GaN flyback switcher ICs to implement 100 W USB PD charger using only 117 components
DER-937 leverages highly integrated boost PFC and GaN flyback switcher ICs to implement 100 W USB PD charger using only 117 components
A fully integrated charger solution combines USB PD, PPS, PowiGaN and FluxLink to maximize efficiency and slash component count in adapters and chargers
Collaboration Provides Users Enhanced Power Conversion and Efficiency
New gate driver eliminates one in six modules; substantially reduces system complexity
SCALE-2 technology optimizes footprint, improves efficiency, performance and reliability of power inverters and converters to 3300 V
New Motor-Expert IEC6730 Class A-ready software tackles new Energy efficiency regulations for appliances
SCALE-2 solutions support 130 x 140 mm IGBT high-power modules from all major manufacturers
InnoSwitch3-AQ ICs are up to 90% efficient with low 15 mW no-load power consumption and increased voltage margin for 400 V and 800 V batteries
Integration of Qspeed boost diode results in simplest active PFC solution; targets PC and TV power supply applications
High-reliability, space-saving buck/flyback switcher ICs target 400 VDC EV applications