Wide Input Voltage Buck Converter Powers USB Type-C Transceivers in Next-Generation Devices
Ideal for battery-powered applications, Maxim Integrated’s tiny MAX77596 allows always-on operation.
Ideal for battery-powered applications, Maxim Integrated’s tiny MAX77596 allows always-on operation.
Highly efficient ISL7823x DC/DC converters step-down 5V rails to point-of-load
Electronica Azi – International is giving you the chance to win a Multimedia Expansion Board (DM320005) along with a PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001) from Microchip.
Multiple open-source reference platforms deliver a wide range of capabilities to wearable designers
Tiny QorIQ LS1012A delivers networking-grade security and performance acceleration to battery-powered, space-constrained applications
Microchip announces its MPLAB® Xpress Cloud-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This online development platform is…
Innovative solutions for Industrial Interface, Wearables, Power Management and Sensor Solutions enable quick and easy design-in and short time-to-market
Semtech Corporation, a leading supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors, demonstrated a LoRaWAN™ Internet of…
Maxim Integrated’s MAX14827 enables intelligent sensors with reduced maintenance and increased uptime with continuous diagnostics and monitoring.
Microchip announces the new SCH322X family of feature-rich and flexible I/O controllers customised to the…